Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How Owners and Residents Can Lower Their Electric and Water Bills

iDeal Realty & Management

Summer is prime time for high bills especially in Arizona, but by utilizing some of the tips below you could help your self save a ton of money.

Save Electricity

If you use electricity as the main energy source for air conditioning and food preparation needs, then there are effective ways to reduce energy costs.
First, make sure your home is well insulated. Room-darkening shades and weather stripping around the windows and doors are essential. Turn up the thermostat on the air cooling system by just 3 degrees and you’ll save almost 5% on your electric bills if combined with improved insulation. The use of box fans and ceiling fans can make quite a difference in keeping a home comfortable and reducing the need for continual air conditioning usage.

Your local utility company usually has pamphlets and online sites that discuss how to save electricity. Here are some more summertime electricity savings tips:
  • Keep your blinds, drapes or shades closed during the day.
  • Use ceiling fans or windows fans instead of air conditioning. Ceiling and window fans use much less electricity.
  • Only use air conditioning when it is hot outside.
  • Turn off your air conditioning if you will be gone from home for more than an hour. At least turn the thermostat much higher.
  • Clean or replace your air conditioning filters every month (in both central and window air conditioners).
  • Plant trees in your yard to shade your house in the summer. Get advice from a nursery or tree specialist concerning the best tree types to use.
  • If you can, shade your air conditioning unit. If your unit is in the bright sun, it will use up to 5% more energy than if it was in the shade.
  • Use energy efficient light bulbs such as CFL's or LED lights as they use 3 times less energy and produce less heat then regular incandescent light bulbs, helping keep you house cooler.
  • Check your attic vents, often times attic vents become clogged with insulation causing excessive heat to build up in your ceilings, causing your air conditioning unit to work harder.
  • Use the exhaust fan when cooking foods that will produce steam or when taking a shower, as steam adds water vapor to the air raising the heat index.

Conserve Water

You can save money on you water bills too! Here are just a few overlooked suggestions

  • Replace shower heads with newer low flow show heads, also limit the time of you showers the average shower head uses 2.5 gallons of water per minute. 
  • Run your clothes washer and dishwasher only when full, you could save up to 1000 gallons of water per month
  • When washing your dishes by hand don't allow the water to run continuously, instead fill one side with soapy water and the other side with rinse water.
  • Also when shaving and brushing teeth don't allow the water to run contentiously. When shaving fill the sing with a small amount of rinse water to swish the blade in between passes.
  • Use the garbage disposal minimally, instead compost organic food matter if possible, not only dose this save water but is good for the environment and your plants also.
  • Water you lawn and garden in the early morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to help minimize evaporation.

1 comment:

  1. It might just be me, but I keep my blinds and curtains open during the day as a source of light. You can also save on electricity by turning lights off when the air conditioner is on. The bulbs produce excess heat, that'll get replaced.

    -Sharone Tal
    Solar Installation Monmouth County NJ
