Friday, April 26, 2013

Maximize Your Investment Properties Potential

Tips To Maximize Your Property Investments

No matter what your reason is for investing in property, there are many things you need to do to make sure that your investment boom doesn’t become a bust. You need to make the right decisions running the property as well as keeping it the way you want potential tenants to view it.  Each investor has their own ways to manage their property, but here are a few tips that I think will help maximize your property investments:

Invest In a Property Management Company
Even though it may cost a little extra money, it is a great idea especially if you don’t have the proper time or understanding of how to get the most out of your property investment. Hiring a property management company will allow you to ease some of your anxiety of all the things that go into making a property investment a financial gain for you. The company will not only run the property, but it will also more than likely do the legwork to get the vacant property filled, especially if it is an apartment unit. The quicker it gets filled – and since you don’t always have enough time – the less money you are leaving on the table.

Purchase Before Project Is Complete
If a new property is on the horizon and you have done research as to the area and its surroundings, pull the trigger early and get the investment before the entire project is fully complete. Many times there are discounts (small ones, but discounts are discounts) when you invest and sign the dotted line before the building is complete. This will allow you the chance to potentially pick what unit(s) you would like to purchase, possibly with a great view or possibly close to an elevator/staircase. This sounds maybe a little elementary, but these things are what potential tenants are looking for in a unit. Therefore, by getting in the game early, you get the opportunity to get a great property with what will probably come with a discount and easier resale potential.

Accelerate The Work Process
If you have invested in an apartment or condo space to rent out, understand that there will be a ton of turnover – many tenants only rent for 1-2 years at the same place before moving on. That being said, it is critical to make sure when you are between tenants that you speed up the process on getting the space available for the next one to come in. The last thing a potential tenant wants to hear is that they can’t move in for several months – they instantly start looking elsewhere. None of us have the time to sit and wait for the next space to come available, we need it right now. Put yourself in the tenant’s shoes and understand that the quicker you do things to get the property ready, the quicker the money will start coming in again on that same investment. The work could include more than just cleaning the apartment from head to toe, it could mean patching up small holes in the wall and painting over them, or ensuring that all of the appliances are working properly. Remember do not take more than a week or two to finish the process, and remember the money you could be losing out on.

Don't Overlook The Upgrades
No matter what type of property investment you have, there are always going to be upgrades that are needed. Some more of a financial investment than others, but regardless there will be some. However, you need to figure out which ones are the most important for the long haul to ensure your investments will continue to grow as the years go on. All of the upgrades that you may make – whether it is something small in the kitchen or bathroom, or adding new decking outside – aren’t always going to raise the value of the property, but by not doing at least the minor upgrades throughout the years will shun potential tenants away, thus losing money.
Everyone who has invested knows how tough and stressful owning a property can be – hell if making money in real estate was easy everyone would do it!

iDeal Realty & Management

9051 W Kelton Lane, Suite 10

Peoria, Arizona 85382

(623) 201-3544

Monday, April 22, 2013

Bad MLS Photos - Episode 1

Alright I have been searching through the MLS and lately I have come across a lot of photos that make me scratch my head and think what was the agent thinking and I thought I would share some of them with you in a series I am going to run called Bad MLS Photos. In this episode all photos came from homes that were listed above $250K

Blurry and Dark Photo, Why Not Turn on Some Lights?

What a Nice Dog... Dose He Come With The Home?

Yes the Home Has A Pool, Too Bad Its Green

Taking Pictures is Hard Work I Think I am Going to Sit Down And Rest

Don't You Hate When You Get Stuck at the Light At The End of Your Driveway?

I Only Took One Photo of the Front Who Cares if It's Washed Out

iDeal Realty & Management

9051 W Kelton Lane, Suite 10

Peoria, Arizona 85382

(623) 201-3544

How to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly in 10 Easy Steps

It seems that everyone is wanting to jump on the Eco-Friendly band wagon these day's, and for good reason. Studies show that you can save some real green by going green. Some green solutions are easier and more cost effective than others and Adam Prince of Zero Energy Design recommends implementing what you can now, while also creating a plan for the future.

Here are 10 simple tips to make your home more Eco-friendly:

1. Change your light bulbs to more energy efficient ones - Studies have shown that replacing light bulbs can have a significant impact on energy savings, The link will take you to my review of my experience with the switch.

2. Change your air filters regularly - Dirty air filters make it hard for you HVAC system to breath which in turn makes it work harder to cool or heat your house, it is recommended to replace air filters every 30 days.

3. Install a programmable thermostat - A programmable thermostat costs around $35-$50 dollars but can save you 5 times that cost in one year especially if your home is empty for most of the day.

4. Replace an old water heater - As the saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it, but if its an old water heater were talking about you may just want to replace it. Some new water heaters are up to 75 times more efficient that older models, so replacing that old water heater could see you some real savings!

5.  Seal up air leaks - Air leaks are the number one killer of energy efficiency, even a small air leak can cost you hundred of dollars a year. It is advised to check your home for air leaks twice a year before the summer heat comes and before the freezing temps of winter hit. Don't forget to check your windows, doors and HVAC ducts.

6. Upgrade Plumbing Fixtures - Low flow shower heads are all the rage for water savings, Some new fixtures can cut your water usage by as much as 80%

7. Install ceiling fans - If you live in a place that experience mild to sever summer heat something as simple as ceiling fans can do wonders to you pocket book. Ceiling fans keep air flowing around a room and that slight breeze is enough to make it feel 3-5 degrees cooler.

8. Replace old appliances - The biggest energy hogs in our homes are our appliances because most of them are used on a daily basis, Take that Fridge for example newer models are better insulated and can run more efficiently than older models saving your considerable money, also check with your utility company odds are they will pay you to recycle that old fridge.

9. Use sustainable products when replacing household items - When it is time to replace cabinets, flooring or anything else in the home look for new products that are made out of renewable or local materials.

10. Use recycled bags - The number one use of plastic is for plastic grocery bags and water bottles, both of these items are hard to recycle and most people throw them away which means they end up in a land field where they will not decompose. It is better to reuse bags that are made out of sustainable material and take them to the store every time you go. Same with water bottles it is better to buy a reusable water bottle and re fill it from home or if you just cant do tap water a large 5 gallon bottle that you can refill at the grocery store.

iDeal Realty & Management

9051 W Kelton Lane, Suite 10

Peoria, Arizona 85382

(623) 201-3544

Which Cities have the Greenest Homes?

In this day and age people all over the country are looking to green sustainable building to help, save on energy costs, protect our environment and cut down on city pollution. In some parts of the country it is easier to find these energy efficient and Eco-friendly homes than others. Recently the real estate brokerage Redfin ranked cities that have the greenest homes, basing its rankings on the number of homes for sale that boast green features—such as solar panels, LEED certification, and Energy Star appliances—as well as taking into account each city’s carbon-dioxide emissions ranking.

"The residents of these cities are reducing their environmental footprint and saving money at the same time" by lowering their monthly utility bills, says Julie Jacobson, a real estate agent with Redfin.

The following cities emerged on the top of the brokerage’s list for greenest cities for homes:
  1. San Francisco,  California
  2. Washington, D.C.
  3. Sacramento, California
  4. Boston, Massachusetts
  5. Portland, Oregon
  6. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  7. Phoenix, Arizona
  8. Los Angles, California
  9. Seattle, Washington
  10. Austin, Texas
Source: “10 Cities With the Greenest Homes,” AOL Real Estate (April 19, 2013)

iDeal Realty & Managment
9051 W Kelton Lane, Suite 10
Peoria, Arizona 85382